3 D I Consulting
5 Adams House Northampton Science Park, Kings Park Road, Moulton Park Industrial Estate, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 6LG (Show me directions) Show Map
01604 654117 01604 654117
3di Consulting Ltd is an independent product design consultancy offering 3D product design services, prototyping and project management, with an emphasis on design within the plastic injection moulding industry, but having also worked wiith a variety of other materials such as wood, acrylic, metals and glass. ...
Specialist Services
3di Consulting Ltd is an independent product design consultancy offering 3D design services and project management, with an emphasis on design within the plastic injeciton moulding industry and experience in designing for a wide range of markets from Industiral, Retail and Medial to Construction, POS/POP, Toys and Technical. From initial sketch concepts, to prototyyes, and fully engineered solutions.
Michael Lannie
(Managing Director)
Mr Tony Wye
(Technical Director)